Showing posts with label mission church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mission church. Show all posts


as i sit here. waiting...

as i sit here. waiting.
with only quincy & haiti on my mind.
i am forced to reflect on this year.
during which, i have done anything but.

i tend to repress, perpetually.
but with this year being that much more intensified...the repression having infinite layers...

the past 363 days have been full.
full of unbearable sorrow.
full of distractions.
full of new beginnings.
full of learning.
full of changes.
full of bitterness, contrasting with thankfulness.
my most life-altering year to date.

the learned act of repressing gets me through daily life.
it allows me to carry on, "normally".
now--in this moment--being forced to reflect, i come face to face with this pain i've harbored so deep inside.
forced to feel this sorrow. this grief. this immense love.
forced to feel my heart being ripped from my chest once again.

i am a person who likes to pin-point my feelings.
i like to know the why in everything.
i basically need to know the why to be content.
if i do not receive a logical, educated explanation...i will over-analyze the situation until i find it myself.
this year has, on top of everything resulting from the 1st, been incredibly frustrating.
a rollercoaster.
a pinball machine.
a constant, contradicting battle between my own, personal feelings.
a constant, contradicting battle within my own mind.

ultimately, i have been bitter.

but, i have not allowed for time of reflection.
i have hardly journaled. which is very unlike me. i am the advocate of journaling.
albeit, i've simply had no down-time.
which has been good and bad. (what do you know...a contradiction.)
however, there has not even been a yearning in me to reflect, to journal, to acknowledge the circumstances.
fore with these acts, comes acceptance.
and i still cannot accept the truth that is this reality. seems i've been waiting for haiti.
waiting to experience this place quincy fell in love with, these people she fell in love with, this experience that changed the course of her entire life.
and i'm ready to experience some sort of healing, that i've been expecting this trip to naturally evoke.
there will definitely be bitterness. but i'm also expecting much sweetness.
i am going, seeking after quincy and her heart for the country, its people, and the Lord. i feel i am searching for something i do not yet know. praying to find an answer--if even just one.
2015, you've been quite the year.
2016, please be better.
quinc, i miss you beyond comprehension.
but you should be so proud of your people.
your legacy is significant.
your passions have now been instilled in countless others.
your words you wrote have been constant encouragement and comfort that have carried us through.
i will forever be proud of you. when first you went to haiti, i wrote you this message:

     quincy lynn!!
     -you are going to HAITI today!!
     so crazy.
     i am SO proud of you...
     -for following this opportunity that God has placed in your path.
     -for knowing it was what you were supposed to do--and not even giving it a second thought.
     -for being brave. cause serving in haiti is definitely not for the average, every-day, lukewarm, life-livers.
     -and for many, many more reasons.
     i will miss you while you're gone. (for my sake, i'm glad it's just ten days)--and can't WAIT to hear about and see all the photos from your excursion.
     i-LOOOOOOOOOOVE-youuuuuuuuuu, boo-boo-boo-boooooooooo.

if i've taken anything away from this year, it has been a lesson you have taught me upon reflecting on your life and your very being: 
make. it. happen. (cap'n.)
you are the queen of make it happen. (and also, coincidentally, love cap'n crunch.)
i chose to embrace that mantra best i could this year--and i'm expecting it to stay with me forever.

i found this today and thought it encompassed us so well.
(not hard to do with the four boys. or lauren. or at our parents' expense. or playing scrabble with gramma. or being borderline out-of-control at jack stack. or dancing like fools whenever, wherever. or quoting movies to no end. or during sleepovers till the sun is coming up. or cousin Christmas cookie night with aunt nan. or the ridiculousness that is quelf.)
your dad has spoken (and written) many great words this year. many heart-wrenching, tearful, powerfully overwhelming, yet beautiful, words. 
these are a few that have stayed with me:

"love is the greatest force in the world.
it's the only thing that lasts.
lead with love.
if you're not moving towards love, 
you're not moving towards Jesus.
if you're not moving towards Jesus, 
you're not moving towards love.
if you're not moving towards love, what are you doing."

"love is a story. it's a story of presence.

by our presence, so we love."

"with Jesus, now there's music, and art, and beauty, and salvation in this world that we didn't even know existed.

live presently in the future we know exists."
Broken Heart. Future Hope.


seems like just yesterday i was starting last year's 21days of prayer&fasting.
this year has officially flown by--more than any other year.
and i feel i'm getting old.
*i have a blog entry in the making that is supposed to be a 2013 highlight reel...but i just wanted to share a few things with you today.

this short article, for one. (it is SO well-written, SO dead-on.)

and this ebook, for two. (it is a collaboration that the lead-follower from Mission Church, our graphics-guy, and i put together to assist anyone embarking on these 21days.)


it's more fun in the philippines, yall.

(click on all the photos to expand them!!)

my trip has come to an end.
as yall read in my initial post, i prayed about going on this trip for over a year & a make sure it was where God wanted me to be, when He wanted me to be there--and that in whatever way, He would provide for me to get there. (and the prayers worked, people.)
i am so thankful i was that mentally & spiritually prepared for it. i have done a lot of mission work in the past, be it other mission trips, service projects, or even everything with Mission Church thus far. but everything has basically been work & service oriented. THIS trip, however, was strictly evangelical--which is why i felt more called to it. i wasn't as comfortable in the area of evangelizing.
i've never had a problem sharing MY faith, but sharing the Gospel--and knowing when to share it...i wasn't experienced in. so i knew this specific mission trip would stretch me spiritually, and BOY did it.
we went from school to school to school, preaching in each classroom...five days a week, for about twelve hours a day.
our team was made up of 60+ Americans paired with Filipino pastor-translators; and after five weeks, we were able to minister at 1,551 schools in the Philippines!!
699,751 people heard the Gospel...and out of those, 676,833 accepted Christ into their hearts right then & there!! it was so amazing. just to witness these children hearing the story of Jesus for the first time, seeing their excitement & joy from hearing how much God loves them, and then watching them fold their little hands and hear their precious prayers to ask Jesus into their hearts. it was so powerful.
something that really hit me hard when i was there was just how awesome God is--obviously...but that His story is simple enough for young children like these to grasp (even with the language barrier)--yet complex enough for scholars to study a lifetime.
and how no matter who we are, at whatever stage of life we're in...we still yearn to be loved--and loved unconditionally. it's universal because that's the way God created us to be.
one weekend we got to go to the organization's orphanage. leading up to the trip, this was definitely what i was looking forward to the most. the orphanage was founded in 1991, as a Christian home for orphaned Filipino children. some of these children (including infants) were picked up/dropped off here by either their parents or some form of social services because their families couldn't support them.
we had the privilege of playing with the children--and also interviewing them. i loved hearing how much they loved being at this orphanage. most of the new & young ones stated how their favorite part of being there was food...getting food (that could be both delicious & nutritious.) which was heartbreaking.
but all of the older ones who had been there most of their lives stated how their favorite part about being there was that the organization was centered around God. that really touched my heart...that at such a young age, after facing so much heartache--they still could have such perspective.
this child's name is dwayne. and he completely stole my heart.
the moment we got changed into our "play clothes", he just jumped on my back--no hesitation whatsoever--and followed me, or drug me around by the hand causing me to follow him the rest of the weekend.

the entire experience was more than amazing; i am just sooo blessed to have had this opportunity. the fact that Jesus could use me--this average, 24-year old girl, with no scholarly theological background, to tell His story to these precious children who might never hear it again...and get this many more souls into His Kingdom is beyond humbling, and really...just downright addicting.
every prayer since the trip, i have prayed--not only for all the children we spoke to--but that God would continue to use me to further this work according to His will--and somehow take me back there...and that through my experiences, i can encourage everybody i know to go on this trip. (haha...but seriously. everybody should go on this trip!!)

i want to thank everyone who encouraged me, prayed for me, and supported me along the way. i really cannot say thank you enough.
much love & God bless!!


day FORTY.

during this lent season,
i have...

- been heavily involved in the process of a church plant--and it's official kickoff.
- been accepted for an international work & witness trip.
- attempted to bless others as often as i had a mind to.
- recognized that in order to make things happen, you have to set goals...and to reach those goals, you have to set smaller goals at a scheduled pace. (my 40-days of reading goal was not met, unfortunately enough...but i'm still reading, and that was the point of it all anyway.)
- realized how much words of affirmation is one of my gifts. (by way of receiving words of affirmation about my words of affirmation.)
- been sooo thankful for His undeniable, unfathomable, and significant healing throughout my entire life...this past year, definitely included.
- continued to feel an overwhelming sense of support from family, friends, acquaintances, and the like.
- spent quality time seeking God through good music.
(this girl definitely added to that.)
- gained knowledge and perspective through fasting.
- prayed & prayed & prayed & prayed...and strived to seek God, fully--to just dwell in His presence.
- felt truly blessed by all the ways the Lord shows Himself to me, and all the gifts and blessings He has provided me with. (and i am thankful for the coming of age that has helped me realize different reasons and ways in which i can use and incorporate them throughout even my day-to-day life.)
- worshipped the Lord through it all.

it was a good 40 days, yall.
(and although i am disappointed i did not fully "complete" my relationship with the Lord has significantly grown, which was my ultimate goal regardless.) (and i am continuing on to still meet those goals.)

oh, how i love Him, but...
" He loves us."
(DO check out that song, performed here by lacey sturm&flyleaf.)

1 Corinthians 15; check it. comeon--why not, it IS Easter.


day 39.

once in darkness, now in light;
once blind, now you see;
once a sinner, now a saint;
once bound, now free.

once a stranger, now a child;
empty, now filled;
once condemned, now reconciled;
broken, now healed.

once a prodigal, now home;
once lost, now found;
once an enemy, now a friend;
once poor, now crowned.

that's the power of the Cross;
see the chains fall.

see the chains...see your chains fall.
- natalie grant.

this song is SO powerful.
-and she's just so good.

if you need somewhere to worship tomorrow for Easter sundaaay...

*and as a response to the latest gay-rights dispute, read this blog post. seriously--read it.


day...38: what's for dinner?!?

*i just found this post i never published through from a couple weeks ago!! (shoot !!) but happy Good Friday!!
currently, i am doing the daniel fast as a time of reflection and prayer.
mission church is doing this 21days of prayer leading up to our official kick-off sunday!! (very exciting; hit me up for any details.)
the fast is requiring me to get creative with my mealtimes, in order to satisfy my hunger while still getting the nutrients i need. it's also causing me to eat more often, (since my meals aren't as large and filling...what-with no bread or meat,) so i'm needing more snack-ish items at my dispense.
(i made this once last summer; it didn't turn out so well. but this was just splendid.)

you might say, how in the world can i make ice cream without dairy?!?
this special ingredient is none other than...bananas!! (i love banana-anything.)

(makes about 2 cups.)

the recipe calls for:
- 2 just-ripened bananas
- 1/4 c water

- slice bananas into (about) one-inch slices.
- throw banana slices into plastic baggie and stick in freezer. (i took mine out after about five hours; you don't want them in there for days though cause they'll brown and get so frozen that they're even harder to blend.)
- after frozen, put banana slices in blender and blend until smooth. (you might have to spoon it around, but it'll get there.)
- serve it up!! (sometimes i blend peanut butter in--or cocoa--or both!! but the banana by itself is good enough for me!!)

love it. so good. so easy. so healthy.
annnd just so yall know that cooking isn't just my "forte" (or whatever)...and is definitely a trial-and-error type of art, where you can mess up recipes or just have different tastebuds than the are the recipes i tried on the fast that did n.o.t turn out delicious:

-not so "yummy". i just missed bread!! my food processor = me & a wooden spoon. waaay too salty...and yall know i like my salt. i ate three slices, got a stomach ache, and trashed the rest.

-she uses a third ingredient as an "add-in"...but says you don't have to; i'm probably thinkin you do have to for them to be good. they definitely tasted healthy though...i probably ate 12 in one sitting just cause they were there, saved about four to photograph the final product, forgot about them--cause they weren't too memorable, annnd threw them away once they grew mold. (i even added peanut butter to some, cocoa to a few, and both to some...couldn't cut it.)

- iiiii definitely used ginger powder instead of chopped ginger (it was all we had!!) and put both whole lemons in. (minus the peeling, of course. i'm not that stupid.) hahaha. SOOO S.O.U.R. i couldn't even finish it.


days 27 & 28: what's for dinner...??

the 21days of prayer & fasting, leading up to Mission Church's OFFICIAL KICKOFF Sunday gathering, has officially concluded.
(you can find out more about the fast here & here.)

the kickoff was awesome.
jonathan's message was awesome.
*hurley & the band's worship was awesome.
my announcements were awesome. (haha. just kidding.)
and we even had 95 people in attendance!!
granted...everything didn't go as perfectly smooth as maybe we would've liked, buuut...hey--it was our first sunday. :)
i'm so-incredibly excited for this church...what God has in store for it, for us, for the lives we touch.

(here's what i predominantly ate on the daniel fast, that i also managed to snap a photo of...)

1. oatmeal with strawberries & pecans.
2. grits.
3. salad with tomatoes and vinaigrette dressing.
4. grilled zucchini.
5. plain, lightly salted rice cake with peanut butter & bananas.
6. apple chips.
7. oatmeal with pecans.
8. strawberries.
9. oatmeal with bananas.
10. sliced tomatoes with sliced avocados, balsamic vinegar & sea salt.
   (the best.) 
11. oatmeal with strawberries & pecans.
12. vegan, banana "ice cream".
   (i will share this recipe later.)
13. smoothie.
   (one banana, one c blueberries, 1/2 c water, and a handful of pecans.)
14. homemade tomato soup.
   (i'll be sure to share this recipe sometime.)
15. corn.
16. oatmeal with strawberries & blueberries.
   (i ate a lot of oatmeal. hahaha. just about every breakfast.)

i am thankful for this fast, the reminder to spend more time in prayer, the realizations had, and the ways God revealed Himself to me.
but i'll be never tasted so good.

*you can find hurley's music here & here...and if you come see us here. do it.


days 13-20.

life just got crazy, folks.
this past week was a total blur.

from plannin & puttin on my best friend-becky's bridal shower.
to goin to my cousin-shay's high school musical.
to getting ready for mission church's official launch next sunday!!
to tryin to make it in time to hear my cousin-quincy's AMAZING mash-up her and her friend arranged and performed.
to attempting to keep up with my schoolwork.
to getting contacted about the philippines trip...

as you all know, i have been praying about this trip for over a year now...that the Lord would really place it on my heart, if i was supposed to go...that the Lord would not allow me to get accepted, if i wasn't supposed to go...that the Lord would provide for me to get me there.
i have contacted all members of my family (and a few close friends) to inform them as to what's going on, and to invite them to pray along with me.

last monday, i received a card from a sweet girl i went to high school with...
we were basically friendly acquaintances in high school, who were both involved in FCA so were aware of the other's belief in God.
we ran into each other last summer after haven't seeing one another for five years, taking each other's prayer requests, and then went our separate ways.
in january, she e-mailed me checking in on my prayer request. which was so amazing & powerful in know she had been praying that whole time. (and i got quite emotional over it.)
since then, we had continued to keep in touch.
when i mentioned this philippines opportunity to her, she wanted to know i sent her the letter i had sent my family.

and then last monday, her card was encouraging me about this trip--how she had been praying for me, how God was going to use me. and she enclosed a check.
i just thought that was amazing.
she has totally been like Jesus to me these past few months.

thank you so much. this all has meant way more than you know; i totally see Jesus in you.
i only hope one day i can bless you as you have blessed me.

when i checked my e-mail tuesday, i had received an e-mail on monday informing me that i had been ACCEPTED for the three-week trip!! (concluding with one of my favorite verses, Ephesians 3:20-21, to really encourage me.)

as i called mom & dad...and texted the rest of my family and friends, everyone was so excited for me.
when i called my grandparents, my grampa told me that he had woke up on monday thinking of & praying for me and this trip...sensing i would get word any day now. (and i did that very day. so crazy.)

i love seeing God in every-day scenes and events...and feeling His presence so overwhelmingly is more than i could ask for.
i have been exceedingly blessed by all the amazing people He has placed in my life.


day 11&12.

i've had a lot more talks this weekend about this 21days of prayer fast.
i think it has to do with the fact that yesterday, we celebrated with one of my best friend's at her bridal shower...and today, we celebrated two of my cousins' birthdays. both of which had incredible food...that i could not partake in.
whenever i had heard people complain about their fast, i would always be like "comeon." cause i're doing it for God; don't complain about it.
but this daniel fast is reeeally tough for me. and i get it now.
i've never fasted for anything besides lent...and i've never fasted any food of any kind besides dr. pepper one year.
so i really had no idea. (which goes back to my view on "judging" people...'i have no idea.' there's no way to possibly know what's going on and/or gone on in someone's life. giving grace is a beautiful challenge.)

i've come to a few realizations after my first week::
- i like food waaay too much.
- i eat food waaay too much.
- i eat waaay too much food when i eat.
- i am so spoiled that i can eat basically whatever i want at basically all times.
- my biggest complaint has been that i'm always hungry. and then i started thinking about how ridiculous it is because as i stuff my face with more and more food i can eat on this fast, complaining about how i can't possibly get enough to eat...people are literally dying that very moment from starving to death. it's a very sobering thought.
- this fasting process has definitely given me a (very small) glimpse at what others in third world countries go through. yes, i know it's not even CLOSE--becaaause...
     there's a time limit. (i know it's going to end...and,  for that matter, i could actually stop at any given time if i wanted or had to.)
     and i still have enough food to nourish me and satisfy to some degree.

i'm going to challenge myself for the remaining 14 days.
any complaining about the fast shall cease.

"wake up, all you sleepers.
stand up, all you dreamers.
hands up, all believers.
take up your cross; carry it on."


day 10: what's for dinner??

currently, i am doing the daniel fast for more time for reflection and prayer.
mission church is doing this 21days of prayer (and fasting) leading up to our official kick-off sunday!! (very exciting; hit me up for any details.)
today's prayvotional (from our lead follower-jonathan) is paired with the Message's version of Exodus 23:28-30.
"the constant assumption that you're going to get quick results will eat you up. regardless of what the world conditions you to think, if you stay faithful and patient God will lead you "little by little" to where you're supposed to be. confess your tendency to want to rush results. ask God for patience."

this time in my life is definitely trying my patience. i feel like there are a lot of things i am inevitably waiting for. it's enforcing even more the need to just trust and give it all to God. i'm thankful for this fast for even more consciousness to pray and spend time with God.

the daniel fast is definitely requiring me to get creative with my mealtimes, in order to satisfy my hunger while still getting the nutrients i need. it's also causing me to eat more often, (since my meals aren't as large and filling...what-with no bread or meat,) so i'm needing more snack-ish items at my dispense.

(makes about two servings' worth. these are great to eat year-round!!)

this recipe calls for:
- two apples, sliced paper-thin.
- 4 c *water (optional: use 4 c apple juice/cider OR 1/4 c maple syrup instead.)
- 1 tsp *cinnamon (optional: use 1 tsp brown sugar, as well.)

- slice apples paper-thin (aka: as thin as you can get them. aka: use a mandolin, if you have one. using a knife becomes very tedious.)
- soak them in bowl of *water & *cinnamon for 10-12 minutes. (make sure water covers apples. use more if necessary.)
- lay apple slices flat & spread-out on a cooling rack in a cooking pan. (we had to get rid of our cooling rack, so i used our old grill-irons. ha.) the apples need to be able to breathe through both sides. (otherwise, you can tediously turn over each apple slice half-way through the bake time on wax paper for close to the same effect.)
- bake at 350F for 23-26 minutes. (i did 26.)
- remove from oven, turn heat off, and let oven cool down for about five minutes.
- put apples back in oven for about 8 minutes, so they can dry out further without burning.
-let cool, and chow down!!

**be sure to store in air-tight container to prevent staleness!!


day 9.

lately, i've been rather overwhelmed with the over-abundance of social media and the variety of ways to keep in contact with people/not keep in contact with people.

phone calls
email #1
email #2
email #3
personal facebook
photography facebook
MC facebook
MC twitter
personal/photography instagram
MC instagram
personal blog
photography blog
MC blog

-and this does not include keeping up with/researching others' blog entries, instagrams, tweets, facebook posts, pinterest ideas. (nor any other i do not use.)

it's all so much noise. and clutter.

we get so caught up in other people's "lives", (or what they present their lives to be,) we don't actually interact with them; we don't actually live life with them. we are only observing it.
-and we're gonna look back and see it's passed us by.
24 years has flown by.
i am definitely overly nostalgic. this is a cause of looking into the past. i have so much of my life recorded in journals, photos, homevideos, and online archives (and tangible objects) that there are so many ways to look back.
-and i have found that i have the tendency to go into nostalgia-mode when things are looking dim. (cause a lot of times, it helps.)
-and i definitely am blessed that i can look back and feel nostalgic...
but i want to learn to look forward more. (yes, at times the future looks completely blurry or even darker, but...)
looking back is easier. it's familiar. you know what happened.
looking forward is entering the unknown. it's risky. it makes you break out of your comfort zone.
but if we only look back, we're not going to go anywhere.

i started thinking...
if i can manage my time and make time for God...
and use every facet of social media to point to Him...
that is a good thing.

"from mountains to turquoise seas, you reign."
- paul klein.


day 5, 6, 7.

sorry for the two-day hiatus, yall.
all this snow has set me in a (much-needed) sense of reflection and stillness.

(i tweeted and instagrammed this photo for mission church earlier.)
whenever there's a snow, i'm always reminded to just be still...taking it all in--the beauty, the peacefulness, the unity of it all.

"be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him."
- psalm 37:7a, NIV.

"rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything, give thanks...this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."
-1 thessalonians 5:16-18, NKJV.

at mission church these past three sundays, we have concentrated on Jesus's sermon in luke 4:18-19 (ESV)...
"the spirit of the Lord is upon me because He has anointed Me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recover sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor." (i love it.)

using the Message's version, verse 19 states::
"this is God's year to act."
and i absolutely believe that to be true.


God is omniscient.

"power in hand speaking the Father's plan...
You're sending us out, light in this broken land.

all authority,
every victory
is Your's.

Savior, worthy of honor and glory,
worthy of all our praise...
You overcame.
Jesus, awesome in power forever,
awesome and great is Your name...
You overcame.

we will overcome by the blood of the Lamb...
and the word of our testimony.
everyone overcome."
-jeremy camp.

my girl-hurley led us in singin this song at Mission Church on sunday...and i just love it.
-and then it came on in the car tonight on the way to the grocery store...
of course, i love worshipping at church on sunday, but there's just somethin about worshipping in the seemingly "oddest of places" at the seemingly "oddest of times" when it's just me and God.
strictly listening to Christian music during this time of lent allows me to spend so much more time with God...that i'd usually just be zoning out during.
it's those times driving in the car, or getting ready in my room, or doing the dishes when God breaks through barriers or gives me epiphanies, and i break down because most of the time i don't see it coming!!
-and i just love that.
those are some of the most special times.
the intimate times just between me and God.

most days we get too caught up with "life" that it's easy to let the days get away from us without really knowing what we did--or why we did it.
it's too easy to not make time for God.
but through this intentional act of giving up secular music, i have been able to reflect on God sporadically throughout the entire day (because i'll have you know, i am constantly listening to music)...and it's amazing how much it has already helped me relax and just dwell in the knowing that He's got it aaalllll under control.

i'm tellin, yall...
God knows what's up.


move me, Lord.

sorry, for the almost-week hiatus...
sunday was Mission Church's FIRST-EVER sunday gathering; it was so, incredibly exciting.
i cannot WAIT to see how God moves in this vision.
(do not hesitate to ask about the church if you have any questions, whatsoever.)

in regards to my last post, TOMORROW is lent. :)
i came across this article/blog post today, and was even more encouraged because it provided me with the 40-day-Bible-reading guide i will be using.

just like margaret feinberg, i encourage you to pray and meditate over the decision to do this beneficial challenge with me.
i'm so excited to see the many ways God works in my life these next days of lent, and all the days to come.


what's for dinner?!? drink.

as i was saying in this post...for the girls' Christmas presents, i had this idea to write a recipe down on a cute recipe card and put it in a ball jar with a vintage apron!! :)
i got this recipe from my cousin, quincy. she made it the night Mission Church went out caroling, and it was ridiculously good.

(preferably use a 3-qt. pot; serves about 8.)

the recipe calls for:
- 1/2 c dry baking cocoa
- 12 oz condensed milk (can)
- 1/8 tsp salt
- 1 1/2 tsp vanilla
- 7 1/2 c water

- in crock-pot, combine milk and water.
- add dry cocoa and salt, stir until smooth.
- cover and cook on high for 2 hours, or low for 4 hours, or until very hot.
- top each serving with marshmallows, if desired, and enjoy!!

mmm--l.o.v.e it.

(ps-i made these cookies yesterday...and all 50 were gone that day...with only five people eating them. record.)


count your blessings.

"it is not happy people who are is thankful people who are happy."
- anonymous.


my mother has always encouraged me to keep a grateful journal, a journal of every blessing i have...of every, single thing i am thankful for.
one of my favorite songs when i was young was 'count your blessings' by the martens. it's about the story of job in the bible, and how he literally lost everything but never doubted God-and kept thanking Him for what He did have. it is an amazing story. seriously, go read it if you haven't. and if you have, read it again.
a blessing can be anything. it doesn't have to be a characteristic you are glad you can be the fact that you have a warm house when it's below freezing out...or food to more than fill your belly...or that one day you get to sleep in...or the fact you have a job in this economy...or even just that ONE person you know you can go to about anything.

"rejoice in the Lord, always; i will say it again: rejoice!!"
- phillippians 4:4, NIV.

(we got a design event goin down tonight for mission church. :) come on out, yall, and see what we're all about.)


these are a few of my favorite thinnngsss....

starting last month...i started this segment where first friday of each month, i share ten of my favorite things/moments/traditions that occur every year, as well as what i'm looking forward to specifically during the next 22-31 days ahead.

- n o v e m b e r -

i'm ready to start servin with mission church!!

1. this tuesday, november 6th, instead of mission church meeting for our weekly prayer, we are rallyin our troops to assemble crisis care kits to contribute to heart to heart's hurricane sandy operation. (you can get more info about it here.)
2. tuesday, november 13th, mission church is having our second design event.
3. sunday, november 18th, mission church is serving at the spofford home for children. (check it out here.)

4. i am ready for this election process to be over...and for our country-as a whole and as individuals-to stop being so hateful, and discriminated, and segregated...and for the outcome to be the most beneficial it can be.

5. my friend-becky is hosting the"first thanksgiving feast" where all of our friends will bring a food item and dress up in their designated indian or pilgrim costume. :) (i'm crossin my fingers for indian. obviously.)

6. of course, THANKSGIVING. family, food, and football. (in the fall-for the fosters.) (i like alliteration.)

7. and THEN...bring on the Christmas-time. (but only after thanksgivin.)
. i have this really great idea i am starting this month that is a complete secret, but i am SUPER excited about. and will share with yall when i am finished.

*8. above all, i love november because it is such a reflective month to me. i am constantly reminding myself of the many blessings in my life, of which I cannot thank the good Lord enough.

(pee-ess: ask me about mission church!!)
(pee-ess-ess: i will make a new playlist this weekend. don't worry.)