
--great aspirations.

alright blogspot.
i am at an impasse.
...it seems i am always at an impasse these days.
(quite unfortunate, i am aware.)

and just get my degree in photography.
but basically the only legitimate university at which to obtain a photography degree is at an art institute...of which are exceedingly expensive.
("exceedingly expensive" happens to not exactly be my cup of tea.)
so i will continue my education through midamerica & jccc for now. until i can scrounge up enough money to study abroad in australia and !!THEN!! f i n i s h .
ahhh...wouldn't that be nice.

also. i am entirely envious of these people with adorably creative blog sites exhibiting their own photographs and designs. considering, i have no camera, nor computer, and, therefore, no way nor reason to edit my photos...i am at, yet again, another impasse.

despite the possible seemingly negative connotations of this post, my disposition is entirely pleasant. i love my family, i love my friends, i love my life. and most of all i love my God...who never ceases to amaze me; He is the .one. constant in my life, and i am eternally grateful. He has given me such a sense of peace...and the knowledge to learn to revel in it.

1 comment:

  1. heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, i believe in a thing called love!
    and i ALSO believe in YOU!!!!
    you'll do what you were meant to do, my darling. whether it's what you want/think/hope/whatever. the thing you were made for will work out because that's how life happens because as much as we think we make choices ( and we do ) He still leads us there. and He'll lead you and open your doors. have faith, missy. i'm praying for you. i love you.
