
be remarkably charismatic.

so...over time, i have strategically NEVER made a site i actually frequent as my homepage.
i forever and always want yahoo.com to maintain that spot. it keeps me up-to-date on the who's who and what's what. i get just enough "news", and i can keep up with the "times". and especially since i'm not going to school anymore, i am not surrounded by peers to keep me in the loop.
I have never liked the radio (i cruise pandora, youtube, noisetrade, and itunes for new music...often.); I stick to all the same shows year after year (which do not include mtv, "keeping up with the kardashians", "jersey shore", "the real housewives...", or any of that crap.); I do not have any magazine subscriptions. Nothing I do or see informs me of what's going on in the world/America's world...so yahoo is my go-to "grapevine".

Occasionally, I find article headings on yahoo's homepage that intrigue me to actually read and less often ones that inspire me. Most of the time the self-help's are "how to become a millionaire by age 50", or "10 steps to make you more successful at work", or "things you should never say in an interview". They are seldom commendable to the point that i am impressed with yahoo's rectitude.
I say all that to say...tonight's page prompted me with:
"The ten habits of remarkably charismatic people".
First of all, ten is a great number; moderate enough that it seems feasible to obtain, but substantial enough that it seems as though not everyone could possess the sought-after quality.
Second, I love the word remarkable (...go read Purple Cow); it is a word, like extraordinary or sensational, that is ultimately positive and absolutely wonderful. One of the best complimentary adjectives to be described as...fore you do not come across these kinds of people every day, let me tell you.
And third, charismatic can give off a negative connotation-to some familiar with the church...but the descriptors include charming, captivating, magnetic, and strong in character. Sounds just as good as remarkable!! And to be remarkably charismatic?!? whoooo-eeeee!!

The following are the characteristics yahoo gives of this rare individual::
1. They listen way more than they talk.
2. They don't practice selective hearing.
3. They put their stuff away. (aka: their phones, computers, calendars, etc.)
4. They give before they receive--and often, they never receive.
5. They don't act self-important (or self-righteous)...
6. ...Because they realize other people are more important. (you already know what you know, but you don't know what other people know, and that makes them more important than you; you can learn from them.)
7. They shine the spotlight on others. (remember what others achieve and compliment them on it; show you actually care.)
8. They choose their words. (the words you use impact the attitudes of others; everyone wants to associate themselves with happy, enthusiastic, fulfilled people. be a light.)
9. They don't discuss the failings of others...(if they gossip about others to you, they gossip about you to others.)
10. ...But they readily admit their failings. (be humble. share your screwups. admit your mistakes. laugh at yourself.)

*you have to be incredibly genuine to be remarkably charismatic.

told you...tis a rarity.
-food for thought.

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