
day 2.

Genesis 11-20
-NIV. (i am following this 40-day guide...with my own modifications based on health and timing.)

"then the Lord said to abraham 'why did sarah laugh and say, "will i really have a child now that i am old??" is anything too hard for the Lord??'" 18:14
-this just makes me smile. because--duh...no. ha. i just love it.

while reading, i definitely just feel a sense of God's wrath and...the need for me to be so entirely "God-fearing".
there has been so much sin...even from the very beginning, and reading from a third-party perspective, i am so shocked--but no doubt is what goes on these days so much more significantly worse.
'makes me so sad.

TPDL, chapter 2
you are not an accident.
"i am your Creator. you were in My care even before you were born."
- isaiah 44:2, CEV.

your birth was no mistake or mishap, and your life is no fluke of nature. your parents may not have planned you...but God did.
while there are illegitimate parents, there are no illegitimate children. (i love that.)
it is not fate, nor chance, nor luck, nor coincidence that you are breathing at this very moment.

"You know me inside and out, You know every bone of my body; You know exactly how i was made, bit by bit, how i was sculpted from nothing into something."
- psalm 139:15, MSG.

the Bible tells us "God is love." (1 john 4:16) it doesn't say God has love. He IS love!!
love is the essence of God's character.
"long before He laid down earth's foundations, He had us in mind, had settled on us as the focus of His love..." (mmm...so-so good.)
- ephesians 1:4, MSG.

"God decided to give us life through the word of truth, so we might be the most important of all things He made."
-this is how much God loves and values you!!

there is a God who made you for a reason, and your life has profound meaning!! we discover that meaning and purpose only when we make God the reference point of our lives.
"the only accurate way to understand ourselves is by what God is and by what He does for us."
-romans 12:3, MSG.

God is not haphazard; He planned it all with great precision. (amen.)

book's question: [you] know that God uniquely created [you]. what areas of [your] personality, background, and physical appearance [are you] struggling to accept...??
my answer: growing up...i was the epitome of the feeling of "not enough butter scraped over too much bread." i was involved in way too much...by my own choice. this has followed me throughout time, whether or not i got less busy. my greatest struggle is probably the "fear" of not living up to my potential and letting down those who love me, including God.

(i guess, i wrote my own sort of purpose driven life synopsis here a little over a year ago...many things in my life have changed since then; these thoughts have not.)

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